We are living on our planet as if we have another one to go on! Environmental issues and sustainability can be considered as the main priorities if we focus on minimal emissions from pollutants and the use of non-renewable resources. A significant aspect of comprehensive emission reduction includes – Scrap Car Recycling. Wondering why? Well, today, your Scrap Vehicle can be a useful resource that not only accompanies benefits for you but also for mother nature. Car recycling is the best way that you can earn cash by using thrash. Doesn’t that sound amazing!?
Before we talk about the importance of evaluating your scrap vehicle, let’s make you aware of some obvious benefits that a scrappage policy entails –
- Reduction in Pollution
- Improved Road Safety
- Appropriate Recycling of various Metals
- Higher Revenues for the Recycling Industry
- Reduction in Cost of Raw Materials
- Reduction in the Import Fuel Bill
- A catalyst for Vehicle Sales
- Incentives for Scrap Vehicle, etc
The fact that scrap car recycling is the ultimate solution of providing impetus to structuring the automotive ecosystem is nearly undeniable. The new scrapping policy in India has bought many positives to the table for both – the new and the established players.
The New Scrappage Policy in India
It is estimated that the new scrappage policy will reduce air pollution by 25 to 30%. As per some credible sources, it has also come to light that the government has planned to make an additional hefty investment of 10,000 crores. All such measures are being taken keeping in mind various aspects related to safety as well as for contributing towards mother nature.
Eager to know about the incentives that you can derive from your scrap vehicle? Well, if you do it through a registered scrapping center, you are eligible to approximately get 4 to 6% of the ex-showroom price of the new vehicle. Additionally, the state governments have already been advised to provide a rebate of 15% road tax for commercial vehicles and 25% for private vehicles. That’s not all! Even the vehicle manufacturers are advised to offer a discount of 5% on the purchase of a new vehicle if you have a valid scrapping certificate. You will also be eligible for a waiver on the registration fee on the purchase of a new vehicle!
Importance of Evaluating Your Scrap Vehicle
If you are not aware already, allow us to put some light on how you determine that it’s the right time to scrap your vehicle. The government aims to remove vehicles older than 15 to 20 years from the roads. To be precise, commercial vehicles older than 15 years and private vehicles older than 20 years now need to undergo a fitness test. The vehicles that fail the fitness test will be mandatorily deregistered. The vehicle owners who decline/fail to renew the registration certificate, their vehicles will be declared as “End of Life Vehicle” (ELV.)
Also, scrapping the vehicles at an authorized scrapping center is necessary. Hence, the right way to deal with your old vehicle today is by scraping it and gaining ensured incentives. When such lucrative are the fruits of scrapping your old vehicle (that wouldn’t fetch you much value,) only a fool would decide not to do so. All such reasons bring us to a realization to let you all know the significance of evaluating your scrap vehicle. Getting the incentives is the later step; however, it is vital for vehicle owners to know how to evaluate their scrap vehicle appropriately. Wondering how it should be done? Put your worries aside, as we are here to answer your intriguing questions!
Below are some important factors that help in the evaluation of your scrap vehicle –
- Year/Make/Model – The most basic factor for evaluating your Scrap Vehicle (here a car) is its type. To determine the current value of your vehicle, the year, the make, and the model come in handy. Hence, every junk car will be valued differently. Other deciding factors include the car’s model (rare or common), the car part’s demand, the type of materials and metals used in the car, etc.
- Condition of Your Vehicle – Your vehicle’s situation determines if it can be restored for use, re-sold, or be scrapped entirely. If your scrap car has only a few issues that can be fixed easily, and has a good current market value, you can ask for a higher price from the scrap dealer. Rusted vehicles usually are difficult to run smoothly on the road, so there are higher chances that you may just get the scrap value for the metal and other parts.
- Scrap Metal’s Current Market Price – Many car owners wouldn’t think of this factor; however, we want to bring to your notice that it’s vital! Even the cars that can’t be rescued can be converted into scrap metal. The overall amount of metal can be further sold and recycled into completely new products. A catch here is that the scrap metal value varies from year to year, so the value you get may fluctuate a bit in such situations.
- Demand for Vehicle Parts – If your scrap vehicle is not worth refurbishing, the parts will still fetch you some value. Everything – from the battery, radio to the tires can be removed easily and recycled. The market value of such integral parts depends on how high/low their demand is.
- Location of Your Vehicle – Your location plays an important part in how your scrap vehicle will be valued. Why? It’s because the scrap metal value varies from one geographical region to another. Also, the popularity of some specific vehicles can determine the market value of the vehicle and its parts. Last but not least, the distance of the scrap facility determines the transportation charges that the buyer has to incur. You will be lucky if you find a car scrapping company that offers free towing service!
Scrap Yard India has solutions to all your problems. SYI is a platform that offers vehicle owners an instant valuation tool for their scrap vehicles. With the help of our free 30-second vehicle scrap value evaluation tool, we can help you evaluate your old scrap vehicles that have already reached end-of-life. On our platform, you can evaluate vehicles of any type, any make, any model in just a few clicks! Once you have successfully registered with us, we ensure to get you connected with authorized vehicle scrapping facilities.
For more information about how to get your vehicle scrapped without a hitch, contact Scrap Yard India today!
How can Scrap Yard India Help?
Scrap Yard India is India’s 1st algorithm-based digital platform for the Valuation and Sale of Scrap Vehicles and ELVs. Now getting an instant valuation of your scrap vehicle is just a few clicks away with our “Free Evaluation Tool.”
The team at SYI aims to take the overall vehicle recycling game to the next level. We moved ahead in our journey with a motive to build a sustainable environment and to make people aware of how a legitimate vehicle scrapping process can help them save energy and obviously a good amount of money. Over the years, we have successfully helped PAN India citizens get their vehicles scrapped seamlessly.
SYI has been trusted by its customers for being a reliable platform to locate Registered/Authorized Vehicle Scrap Facilities (RVSF/AVSF) all across India. Our transparency in scrap vehicle handling and promotion of the safe operating practice has further helped us gain trust and strengthen our roots.
We understand the importance of a profitable process and the challenges of a sustainable Industrial environment. So we not only believe in promoting our products but also in providing proactive services effortlessly, at the comfort of your home.
To book a consultation with us or to understand more about the scraping process of your ELVs, get in touch with us today.
A message from SYI’s team – Reduce, Recycle, Repeat!
Keywords: Scrap car recycling | scrap vehicle | car recycling